Most PinSeeker tournaments offer points awards to players who hit the green. As you earn points, you are automatically entered into the PinSeeker Standings. We run monthly cup competitions to reward success in PinSeeker tournaments over time.
When the monthly cup ends, player payouts will be distributed to final winners, even those that aren't able to participate in Cash Tournaments!
As of December 2023, cups are now split across simulator platforms. This means that each platform has its own monthly cup, own purse and payout structure, and own leaderboard.
Players can still play on multiple platforms, but points earned on each platform will only be associated with the respective cup. Use the platform switcher at the top right of the screen to hop from cup to cup.
We're excited about what this change does for the cup competition - it should give most players a significantly better chance at winning some cash at the end of the month!
For more information on points distributions, see Points and Standings - How are points distributed?